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329 results returned within occupation Pilot
First Combat Experience

First Combat Experience

Mr. Hanna describes his first combat experience and how a German radio operator tried to confuse and disorient him by posing as a British operator.

Close call

Close call

Mr. Weir and his comrades have an encounter with a Major who questions what they are doing. The guard saves the day by claiming to be taking them to a concentration camp nearby.

Stumbling upon the Germans

Stumbling upon the Germans

Mr. Weir describes stumbling upon 400 Germans just before they are bombed by the Allies from above. He and the other 3 men eventually lose touch with the rest of the convoy.

Travelling ahead of the pack (Part 2 of 2)

Travelling ahead of the pack (Part 2 of 2)

Mr. Weir describes how his group of four tried to travel ahead of the group of 2,000 in order to ensure that there would be food for them.

Bribing a guard (Part 1 of 2)

Bribing a guard (Part 1 of 2)

Mr. Weir describes bribing a guard to help them with their long walk.

German rally

German rally

Mr. Weir describes visiting a Nazi rally and the way in which Hitler commanded a crowd. He also described the way in which Ottawa and Britain were hesitant to acknowledge what was taking place.

Demonstration in Frankfurt

Demonstration in Frankfurt

Mr. Weir describes a demonstration he witnessed in Frankfurt. He describes the way in which the Germans dealt with the malcontents.

Germany before the war

Germany before the war

Mr. Weir talks about encounters in Germany prior to the war.

Prairie pride

Prairie pride

Mr. Moore talks about how his Prairie background helped instill a sense of do-it-yourself behaviour, and the values that came from that.

Taking on two destroyers ( Part 2 of 2)

Taking on two destroyers ( Part 2 of 2)

Mr. Moore continues his story, with great emotion, desrcibing how difficult it was splitting up the crew, because of how close they had become.

Taking on two destroyers (Part 1 of 2)

Taking on two destroyers (Part 1 of 2)

Mr. Moore describes how his crew always stuck together on a night out. He then describes a particularly close call in attacking a submarine being flanked by two destroyers.



Mr. Moore became a leader at the young age of eighteen. He expresses his thoughts about leadership, a big part being consideration for other people and knowing your people.

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