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7 results returned within occupation Asdic Operator
Former enemies

Former enemies

Mr. Sperry talks about how he looks at Veterans from the opposite side and what it would have been like if he had been born in their countries.

Lessons on vigilance

Lessons on vigilance

Mr. Sperry talks about how he hopes war never happens again.

Storm on the Atlantic

Storm on the Atlantic

Mr. Sperry describes storms on the Atlantic and how a man was lost overboard.



Mr Sperry talks about what it was like going to Hiroshima a few weeks after the Atomic Bomb was dropped.

After VE Day

After VE Day

Mr. Sperry talks about VE Day and the things that happened, for example, girls getting their heads shaved because they talked to the enemies.

Air Raids

Air Raids

Mr. Sperry describes the sound of an air raid and how it became real when his home town was bombed.

War Declared

War Declared

Mr. Sperry talks about where he was when war was declared.

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