Mr. McDonald speaks about the testing he underwent during training for Bomber Command.
WAG on the Lancaster
Mr. McDonald describes his duties and responsibilities as a wireless air gunner on the Lancaster aircraft.
Typical Flight Routine
Mr. McDonald explains the daily flight routine - checking battle orders and preparing for the flight. He also comments on how weather was a contributing factor to operational strategy..
Gratitude for the Ground Crew
Mr. McDonald expresses his high regard for the ground crew in their diligent maintenance of the aircraft.
I Always Wanted to Jump!
Mr. McDonald shares his experience of bailing out. He saves his rip cord!
Three Days in London
After surviving the jump, Mr. McDonald tells of his three day excursion in London before returning to his squadron.
Bomber Fleet Raises Morale
Mr. McDoanld describes the sight of a 1000- bomber fleet pass over London raising morale for the civilian people