Dr. Cunningham discusses hearing that the war had ended as a result of the H-bombings in Japan, and describes his elation at the time.
Staying Informed
Dr. Cunningham describes using a hidden radio and smuggled Chinese newspapers to keep informed about the war's progress.
Dr. Cunningham describes the pain of beriberi being similar to frost coming out of frozen toes. As the condition progressed, sufferers lost the sensation in their lower legs and feet.
Sham Shui Po Dental Clinic
Dr. Cunningham describes setting up his dental clinic at Sham Shui Po Camp with equipment brought from North Point POW camp. He indicates that dental health was good due to the lack of sugar in their diet.
The Tomato Garden
Dr. Cunningham discusses the prison camp diet in general, and then describes the prisoners' tomato garden.
Occupation and Surrender in Hong Kong
Dr. Cunningham describes the steady advance of the Japanese which eventually resulted in his field hospital retreating to Bowen Road Hospital.
Town Meeting
While serving as a UN Military Observer in the Middle East, the Gulf War began and Mr. Gallant was asked to attend a town meeting in Naqoura, Lebanon, in order to reassure the people.
In war, friends are sometimes torn apart. Mr. Gallant had the chance to help such a person during his tour in Cyprus.
Mr. Gallant discusses the main goal of the mission in Cyprus which was to maintain the peace between the Turks and the Greeks.
Keeping the Peace
With incidents happening every night between the Turks and the Greeks, Mr. Gallant often had to intervene in order to keep people from getting killed.
Helping Soldiers
To set the example for Troop and Platoon Commanders, Mr. Gallant decided to tour the lines at night. In doing so, he helped a lot of soldiers.
Cliffs of Dover
Prior to D-Day, Mr. Smith's Battery, stationed near Dover, received excellent rations in a ruse to trick the Germans into believing they were an assault regiment and distract them from the real one.