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29 results returned within regiment Armoured Regiment
Afghanistan Deployment, Another Story!

Afghanistan Deployment, Another Story!

Mr. Dupuis deploys to Afghanistan and explains the differences in living conditions and environment to what she had previously experienced.

Bosnia, my First Mission

Bosnia, my First Mission

Although excited to deploy, Ms. Dupuis recalls the devastated surroundings and culture shock when first arriving in Bosnia.

Typical Day as a Coyote Gunner

Typical Day as a Coyote Gunner

Ms. Dupuis explains the roles of a gunner and circumstances that occur while on patrol outside the wire.

A Woman in the Armoured Corps

A Woman in the Armoured Corps

Ms. Dupuis speaks about her decision to joining the Armoured Corps and the obstacles that she faced.

On Patrol with UN

On Patrol with UN

Mr. Grossinger talks about being a patrol for the UN but they were the only troops without weapons.

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