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849 results returned within war Canadian Armed Forces
A Commanding Officer’s Respect

A Commanding Officer’s Respect

Mr. Simon describes being approached to relinquish his aboriginal status, but being persuaded otherwise by his commanding officer’s respect for his heritage.

I Wanted to be a Paratrooper

I Wanted to be a Paratrooper

Mr. Simon describes the experience of learning to jump from an aircraft, and the tension he felt preceding and during a jump.

The Importance of Remembrance Day

The Importance of Remembrance Day

Mr. Perry shares his belief and contributions made towards Remembrance Day each year.

An Unbelievable Sight

An Unbelievable Sight

Mr. Perry describes the sight of a woman whose feet have been cut off for dishonouring her people.

A Child`s Poverty

A Child`s Poverty

Mr. Perry shares his experience of assisting a young girl who had nothing.

Food for Egyptian Children

Food for Egyptian Children

Mr. Perry describes the type of ration packs they had to share with the starving children.

Military Ration Packs

Military Ration Packs

Mr. Perry shares his experiences of eating food provided by the military that had been packed in 1942.

Environmental Challenges

Environmental Challenges

Mr. Perry describes the hardships and challenges faced in getting accommodations for the military in an environment unknown to Canadians

Civilian Appreciation

Civilian Appreciation

Mr. Perry speaks about their interactions with the civilians and how they felt appreciated.

UNEF Living Conditions

UNEF Living Conditions

Mr. Perry describes the conditions upon arrival in Egypt and where common necessities for life did not exist.

UNEF Travel to Egypt

UNEF Travel to Egypt

Mr Perry speaks about his journey to Egypt as part of the United Nations Emergency Force and their purpose for being there.

Importance of Sterilization

Importance of Sterilization

Mr. Gourlay speaks about the many diseases affecting the soldiers and the importance of water sterilization.

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