849 results returned
within war Canadian Armed Forces
Snowbirds Genesis
Mr. Peters describes the part he played in establishing the Snowbirds aerobatics team.
Flight Instructor
Mr. Peters describes initially being disappointed by his posting as a flying instructor, but later credits this tour of duty for reinforcing his discipline in the cockpit.
Mr. Peters discusses how his graduation from flying school is tainted by the racially inappropriate remarks and attitude of the guest presenter the night before.
T-33 Jet
Mr. Peters describes how easily he mastered the T-33 jet, and receiving the school’s top two awards for flying excellence.
Instrument Flying
Mr. Peters gives a detailed account of training for instrument only flying, and how those skills suited Canada’s air role in NATO.
Mastering the Harvard
Mr. Peters describes his difficulties flying a Harvard, overcoming those roadblocks, and moving on to the T-33 jet trainer.
First Solo
Mr. Peters describes his first solo (in a Chipmunk), the elation of safely landing and the ritual he shares with his fellow pilots afterwards.
Mr. Peters compares the high level of attrition during his era of training to that of the present day Air Force.
Pilot Training Selection
Mr. Peters describes the level of testing he experienced before being selected for pilot training.
Entering the Unknown
Mr. Wadman describes the devastation his unit witnessed upon arrival and the appreciation the civilian people had for the UN presence.
Road Move to Sarajevo
Mr. Wadman describes his unit’s road move into the besieged city of Sarajevo and his first impressions as they travelled towards the city.
Highlight of My Career
Major-General MacKenzie recalls his experience in Sarajevo as one of his most challenging and fulfilling times of his service.