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3030 results returned within war Second World War
ATA Girls

ATA Girls

Mr. Sproule remembers his surprise at seeing a female fighter pilot, and praises the abilities of the Air Transport Auxiliary.

Flight Training Accidents

Flight Training Accidents

Mr. Sproule recalls some dangerous incidents during his time as a flight instructor at Uplands Airport in Ottawa.

Flight Instructor in the Commonwealth Air Training Program

Flight Instructor in the Commonwealth Air Training Program

Mr. Sproule recalls his disappointment in being posted as flight instructor, rather than being posted overseas, and explains why it was necessary.

The Link Trainer

The Link Trainer

Mr. Sproule describes the Link Trainer - an early flight simulator used for the training of pilots.

Air Planes in the Morning

Air Planes in the Morning

Mr. Field talks about the Battle of the Bulge and what (little) he saw of it.

Duties Aboard Ship

Duties Aboard Ship

Mr. Treherne talks about duties on the aircraft plot.

Duties of a Captain’s Secretary

Duties of a Captain’s Secretary

Mr. Treherne talks about acting as the captain’s sec.

Emotions of a Spitfire Pilot

Emotions of a Spitfire Pilot

Mr. Sager describes the emotion he felt when he had an enemy in his sites and when he was being tailed by an enemy, and his greatest fears while flying.

The Big Barrage

The Big Barrage

Mr. Field recounts about his unit moving to the south coast of Beveland and undertaking a large scale (support) barrage to drive the Germans out.

First Attack With the Infantry

First Attack With the Infantry

Mr. Field talks about his first attack with his infantry, and the sensation of being machine gunned.

First Shell Fire (Part 2 of 2)

First Shell Fire (Part 2 of 2)

Mr. Field describes the slow fighting in Beveland and the first time he came under fire.

First Destroyed Enemy

First Destroyed Enemy

Mr. Sager describes the experience of shooting down his first enemy and how he lost his number two man as a result of flying debris from the exploding plane.

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