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3030 results returned within war Second World War
The Athabascan (Part 2 of 5)

The Athabascan (Part 2 of 5)

Mr. Hannam talks about the Athabascan, and his experience with it (part 2 of 5). He talks about helping rescue the survivors from the Athabascan, and how he ended up adrift searching for survivors, in a boat (from the Haida) with an engine that wouldn't work.

The Athabascan (Part 1 of 5)

The Athabascan (Part 1 of 5)

Mr. Hannam talks about the Athabascan, and his experience with it (part 1 of 5). He talks about the Athabascan itself, and the battle that sank her.

Old Fashioned Canadian Christmas at Sea (Part 2 of 2)

Old Fashioned Canadian Christmas at Sea (Part 2 of 2)

Mr.Hannam talks about his time spent with Harry de Wolfe on that particular Christmas.

Old Fashioned Canadian Christmas at Sea (Part 1 of 2)

Old Fashioned Canadian Christmas at Sea (Part 1 of 2)

Mr. Hannam talks about the Haida being assigned to an escort group, and being a part of the sinking of the Scharnhorst. He also tells a story about having an old fashioned Canadian Christmas on the Murmansk run.

Halifax Riots at the end of the War

Halifax Riots at the end of the War

Mrs. Greer witnessed the Halifax Riots at the end of the Second World War. She believes one of the cause of the riots was resentment toward Halifax itself. She recalls that the looting which occurred was not done by the service people.

Wartime work leads to Women's Liberation

Wartime work leads to Women's Liberation

Mrs. Greer describes working as pay secretary. She describes the changes women went through as a result of their military service. She believes these changes led to the women's liberation movement.

WREN Basic Training

WREN Basic Training

Mrs. Greer describes basic training as both scary and exciting. The barracks had been old correctional buildings. She describes how the other women in basic training seem to come together and the strict regulations she and the other women had to follow.

The Underground and its Effectiveness

The Underground and its Effectiveness

Mr. Curry speaks of the underground network in the prisoner of war camps and gives an example of their sabotage effort.

Taken Prisoner of War by the Germans

Taken Prisoner of War by the Germans

Mr. Curry describes his first few days as a German Prisoner of War.

The Operational Plan is Given

The Operational Plan is Given

Mr. Curry outlines the operational plan given to his section for the Dieppe Raid.

Crossing the English Channel to Dieppe

Crossing the English Channel to Dieppe

On board ship, Mr. Curry and his comrades are on their way to a landing at Dieppe.

The Dieppe Raid Eventually is Launched

The Dieppe Raid Eventually is Launched

The first attempt to carry out a landing at Dieppe is aborted. Eventually, the landing operation is launched.

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