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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Long Months of Training

Long Months of Training

Following two years of training in England and Scotland, Dieppe looms.

From Enlistment to England

From Enlistment to England

Following basic training, Mr. Curry along with other members of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, were ready to proceed overseas. They boarded a train and headed to the East Coast. Mr. Curry speaks of arriving in England.

Merchant Navy Men Carry On

Merchant Navy Men Carry On

Mr. Blackmore describes those who served in the Merchant Navy. He talks about the quality and impact of the service provided by the Merchant Navy and how it affected the war effort.

Lifeboat and Rescue

Lifeboat and Rescue

Mr. Blackmore describes being on the lifeboat, the conditions of the sea and his subsequent rescue. The boat that found them stumbled across them on a voyage. They had begun rowing back to Newfoundland when they were rescued.

Sinking of the Livingston

Sinking of the Livingston

Mr. Blackmore describes the sinking of the Livingston and how he found a dory and a life boat. He also speaks about how they rescued sailors in the water.

Description of the Livingston

Description of the Livingston

Mr. Blackmore describes the Livingston, the ship on which he was torpedoed. He details the impact of the torpedo as well as her sinking.

Surviving a Torpedo Attack

Surviving a Torpedo Attack

Mr. Blackmore describes surviving his ship going down and how he escaped in a life boat. He was a victim of a torpedo attack while freighting coal from Canada to Newfoundland on November 2, 1941.

Duty and Patriotism

Duty and Patriotism

Mr. Baggs speaks about duty and patriotism and the importance of military training.

Tanks attack

Tanks attack

Mr. England tells of waking up in the night and hearing German tanks coming in from the other side of town towards them. A tank fires a shell into a cache of mines nearby and he is thrown back many yards and knocked unconscious.

More good times than bad

More good times than bad

Mr. Baggs is asked if he would volunteer again and describes how he met his wife.

Sacrifice and Hardship

Sacrifice and Hardship

Mr. Baggs is asked if all the sacrifice and hardship that they went through was worth it.

First Engagement With The Enemy

First Engagement With The Enemy

Mr. Baggs describes his first engagement with the enemy where they encounter their first casualties.

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