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3030 results returned within war Second World War
From Hero to Coward

From Hero to Coward

Mr. Tee tells us how you can perform acts of bravery one day and the next day you may turn and run when you shouldn't.

Looking Back

Looking Back

Mr. Peterson looks back at how his service and internment affected him later in life.

Saving Face

Saving Face

Mr. Peterson recalls the reaction of some young local boys when their playmate was accidentally killed by air dropped supplies.

Japan Capitulates

Japan Capitulates

Mr. Peterson remembers discovering that Japan had surrendered to the Americans.

They lost five or six planes

They lost five or six planes

Mr. Lammers describes bomber traffic over Holland.

Overnight Honeymoon

Overnight Honeymoon

Mr. Pike recalls being called back to the ship, the morning after being married.

Sub Nets and Sleeping Fully Clothed

Sub Nets and Sleeping Fully Clothed

Mr. Pike describes the purpose of sub nets at the mouth of a harbor. Recalling torpedoed in a harbor without nets, he explains how seaman were rarely out of uniform while at sea.

One Overboard and One Burial Per Day

One Overboard and One Burial Per Day

Mr. Pike recalls events from his service aboard the hospital ship Lady Nelson. He first describes how shell-shocked patients regularly escaped their ward and jumped overboard. He then explains how a body was prepared for burial at sea, and a quick service was performed.

Severely Injured - No Memory

Severely Injured - No Memory

Mr. Pike recalls being terribly injured, but with no memory how. He describes how his fractures were so bad that doctors were unable to operate, for fear of doing more damage than good.

Explosive Cargo and a Near Miss

Explosive Cargo and a Near Miss

Mr. Pike describes how a ship could sink or explode if torpedoed, depending on how it was hit and the type of cargo. He then recalls how he transferred off the Bic Island, days before it was torpedoed, while transporting munitions.

Convoy Attacks - Men in the Water

Convoy Attacks - Men in the Water

Mr. Pike explains how ships could be sunk in a convoy without other ships knowing, and describes how hard it was to not stop and help sailors in the water.

Manoeuvres at Sea

Manoeuvres at Sea

Mr. Pike explains some details as to how ships would travel and manoeuver. He describes a Master's sealed orders, dragging fog buoys, and turning as a part of a tight convoy.

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