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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Overseas on the Empress of Scotland

Overseas on the Empress of Scotland

After training, Mr. Heather and his friend journey overseas and get “crewed up.”

My Friends are in the Wrong Place

My Friends are in the Wrong Place

Reflecting back 70 years, Mr. Barr expresses his sadness in not being able to see his fellow comrades.

Montgomery Speaks

Montgomery Speaks

Mr. Barr recalls the speech of Montgomery and his persistent and winning attitude.

The Normandy Bombardment

The Normandy Bombardment

Mr. Barr details the bombardment on the beaches of Normandy and credits his superiors with providing great leadership.

Twice Wounded, Still Here!

Twice Wounded, Still Here!

Mr. Barr shares in a humorous tone, his experiences of being wounded - one of them life threatening.

The Ceasefire Order is Issued

The Ceasefire Order is Issued

Mr. Barr recalls the final days of the war and witnesses the mass surrender of German soldiers.

Winning our Battles

Winning our Battles

In describing the operational strategies of the artillery, Mr. Barr commends their work having had complete success in all battles fought!

“This is your lifeline, don’t cut it!”

“This is your lifeline, don’t cut it!”

Mr. Barr recalls that the signal corps was able to maintain full communications throughout all battles fought during the Normandy campaign.

Counter Attacks Against the Germans

Counter Attacks Against the Germans

Mr. Barr details actions of the Canadian Army against the German 12 SS Division during the Normandy battle.

In the Shadows of the Great War

In the Shadows of the Great War

Mr. Barr recalls his decision to volunteer for the army.

Pride for Bomber Command

Pride for Bomber Command

Mr. Watts expresses his concern for the length of time it took for recognition of the contribution Bomber Command made during wartime service.

As a Navigator

As a Navigator

Mr. Watts states what it takes to be a navigator and the special characteristics one must have to accomplish the task.

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