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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Different Types of Skin Grafts

Different Types of Skin Grafts

Mrs. Mortimer describes the skin grafts performed by the doctors and how experimenting with the patients on all parts of their bodies was accepted.

More Than An Orthopedic Hospital

More Than An Orthopedic Hospital

Mrs. Mortimer shares a story of witnessing her first amputation of a patient’s leg and her feeling of weakness in the operating room.

The Decision to go to East Grinstead

The Decision to go to East Grinstead

Mrs. Mortimer tells of her decision to work as an operating room nurse alongside Dr. McIndoe at East Grinstead, all the time wondering if she could stand to care for such badly wounded patients in such a unique hospital environment.

Young Lady Starting A Career

Young Lady Starting A Career

Mrs. Mortimer reflects back on her early years and how the family decision to move to England provided her the opportunity to pursue a nursing career.

La peur

La peur

M. Boivin nous parle de la peur qu’il a pu vivre pendant la guerre, et comment il l’a surmontée.



Mr. Kondra reflects on how Canada's youth can remember our Veterans, and what they sacrificed for today's freedom.

Post War Flying History

Post War Flying History

Mr. Kondra discusses his various flying assignments during the Cold War, and the improvement in aircraft he saw before retiring as a flight engineer on a Hercules.

English Fog And 26 Dead Airmen

English Fog And 26 Dead Airmen

Mr. Kondra describes the safe return from a bombing run of his entire squadron, only to have four aircraft crash trying to land in dense English fog, resulting in the loss of twenty-six airmen.

The Civilian Cost

The Civilian Cost

Mr. Kondra acknowledges that civilians were the victims of 'collateral damage' on many bombing runs, often because Germany housed its slave labor adjacent to its factories.

Debriefing And Rum Tots

Debriefing And Rum Tots

Mr. Kondra discusses the types of information that bomber crews were expected to provide in order for Air Command to plan safer routes for their next bombing runs. This session was followed by a tot of rum, administered by the padre.

Flying Home In A Disabled Bomber

Flying Home In A Disabled Bomber

Mr. Kondra describes flying back to England against serious odds. After being shot up on a bombing run, his aircraft loses an engine, and ruptured hydraulics prevent closure of the bomb bay doors, causing excessive drag and extra fuel consumption. Coupled with landing gear that wouldn't lower, his trip home is stressful!

The Risk Of Formation Flying

The Risk Of Formation Flying

Mr. Kondra discusses some of the risks associated with bombers flying in proximity; mid-air collisions, bombs falling on aircraft flying at lower altitude, and even being fired on by other bomber crews.

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