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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Rest and Cider - a Bad Mix

Rest and Cider - a Bad Mix

Mr. Walsh describes locating a cellar full of cider while on leave, and being so thirsty that he and his fellow soldiers drank cider to the point of illness.

Routing the Germans at Falaise Gap

Routing the Germans at Falaise Gap

Mr. Walsh faints a detailed picture of the overwhelming force mustered by the Allied army leading up to the rout of the Germans at Falaise Gap.

Losing Friends

Losing Friends

Mr. Walsh discusses, in general, the anonymity of soldiers who fall during the heat of battle, but after losing two close friends, his reluctance to make new ones.

I was a Veteran the Next Morning

I was a Veteran the Next Morning

Mr. Walsh describes his first night in action, fighting off two German counterattacks. He also describes having to fire a weapon in anger for the first time.

The Road to Normandy

The Road to Normandy

Mr. Walsh describes volunteering for service in Normandy, his preparations to go, and his impressions after landing in France as a member of the Royal Regiment of Canada.

Desperate to Enlist

Desperate to Enlist

Mr. Walsh describes having to deceive his mother in order to enlist with a close friend.

Engineering Instructor

Engineering Instructor

Mr. Burton describes his role as an engineering instructor at Camp Petawawa. Having the best training record in camp, he speculates on the reasons for his success as a teacher.

A Very Special Hospital

A Very Special Hospital

Mrs. Mortimer explains why nursing at East Grinstead was the peak of her career!

The Guinea Pig Club

The Guinea Pig Club

Mrs. Mortimer recalls how the name came about.

Socializing With Patients

Socializing With Patients

Mrs. Mortimer shares her experience socializing with the patients of East Grinstead and the fond memories she has to this day.

The Doctors of East Grinstead

The Doctors of East Grinstead

Mrs. Mortimer expresses the respect given to the doctors by the patients.

Caring for the Burned Patients

Caring for the Burned Patients

Mrs. Mortimer describes the process of treating the severely burned patients.

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