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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Alone With His Truck

Alone With His Truck

Arriving off the barge with his truck in Sicily, Mr. Hislop tells a story of his first encounter.

Heading Overseas

Heading Overseas

Mr. Hislop talks about a close call on a convoy heading overseas from Halifax.

Training in Canada

Training in Canada

Mr. Hislop talks about training before going overseas.

A Soldier took my Job

A Soldier took my Job

Ms. Rapp discusses losing her job to a soldier returning from overseas, but being given the same opportunities to obtain housing, education, and civilian employment as those who'd served overseas.

Wanting to be in Signals

Wanting to be in Signals

Ms. Rapp describes joining Signals in Ottawa as a steno. She is eventually promoted to Sergeant as an enticement to keep her.

Rough Kitchener Barracks

Rough Kitchener Barracks

Ms. Rapp describes how cold it was in Kitchener Barracks and often snow was in the H-hut where they slept.

Deciding to Join

Deciding to Join

Ms. Rapp discusses the need for women to work in war industries, her work at General Electric building the Bofors anti-aircraft gun, and her enlistment as soon as women were permitted in the armed forces.

One Close Buddy

One Close Buddy

Mr. Ireland reflects on Canada’s contribution to the air war in Europe, the loss of a friend, and the meaning of November 11th.

Still had the Pacific

Still had the Pacific

Mr. Ireland describes being at sea when the war in Europe ended, considering the possibility of piloting against Japan, and volunteering for the USAF Tiger Force.

Strange Aircraft

Strange Aircraft

Mr. Ireland describes learning about the new German 262 and British Meteor jet fighters.

Target Anything Motor Driven

Target Anything Motor Driven

Mr. Ireland describes air to ground attacks against the Germans, and the different ground to air defenses used by the Germans. He also discusses Priority 1 - regardless of the original mission, an opportunity to engage the enemy in the air was never passed up.

Air Combat

Air Combat

Mr. Ireland describes three combat engagements; downing a Messerschmitt 190, blowing up a munitions train, and damaging a new German 262 jet fighter.

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