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As he annually takes part in Remembrance Day services each November 11th, Mr. Thompson's thoughts take him back to those days of the 1940's.

Pride in Sacrifice

Pride in Sacrifice

Mr. Doherty recalls how his pride in service changed as the war progressed, and explains how he takes more pride in it today.

Protecting Convoys From The Wolf Pack

Protecting Convoys From The Wolf Pack

Mr. Doherty recalls the attack strategies of packs of German submarines, and describes hunting for them while escorting convoys.

D-Day: Germans on the Run

D-Day: Germans on the Run

Mr. Doherty recalls events surrounding the D-Day invasion; coastal minesweeping, cancellation and reinstatement of the offensive, and how well it was orchestrated. He also remarks on how feeling, that the Allies now had the Germans on the run, affected morale.

Dangerous Stoke Hold Makes for Jumpy Nerves

Dangerous Stoke Hold Makes for Jumpy Nerves

Mr. Doherty recalls how the stoke hold was the most dangerous part of the ship. He then describes how he exited the war with jumpy nerves, having experienced so much, and remembers when he and a Petty Officer on the Guysborough thought they'd been torpedoed.

Sinking of the Guysborough

Sinking of the Guysborough

Mr. Doherty recalls hearing of the sinking of the Guysborough, and how it affected him emotionally.

Joining Up at Age 15

Joining Up at Age 15

Mr. Doherty recalls how he was able to join the Navy at age 15, and his motivation for doing so.

I was a trumpeter

I was a trumpeter

Mr. Wilson demonstrates that although his memory of overseas service may have faded, his love of singing and ability to do so are still very obvious.

“. . . I think it’s necessary to remember...”

“. . . I think it’s necessary to remember...”

Mr. Pochailo reflects on November 11

“ final respects.”

“ final respects.”

Mr. Pochailo recounts a haunting reunion with a fallen friend

“...and yet he was a good man.”

“...and yet he was a good man.”

Mr. Pochailo describes his encounter with an honourable enemy doctor while in hiding.

Courage and Patriotism

Courage and Patriotism

Mr. Pochailo reflects on the diversity of courage and patriotism

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