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Christmas Dinner in Germany

Christmas Dinner in Germany

Mr. Pitcairn describes an unique Christmas dinner during his time with the Army of Occupation in Germany.



Mr. Pitcairn describes the role of a ‘sniping’ gun at the unfinished canal at Valenciennes, as well as the damage done to five of his Battery’s six guns by German 5.9 inch artillery pieces.

Treatment of German POWs

Treatment of German POWs

Mr. Pitcairn describes the general lack of enmity between the Canadians and German POW’s, and how, from his perspective, the surrendered Germans were well treated.

The Drocourt-Queant Line

The Drocourt-Queant Line

Mr. Pitcairn describes the artillery barrage at the Hindenburg Line as the largest barrage to date, and having to ‘rest’ the guns which were overheating.

Trench Warfare vs Open Warfare

Trench Warfare vs Open Warfare

Mr. Pitcairn describes the difference between trench warfare and open warfare from the artillery’s perspective. He describes a unique target practice.

First Day at Amiens

First Day at Amiens

Mr. Pitcairn describes the opening barrage at Amiens, and its success in completely destroying the Germans’ counter-artillery.

Artillery Arsenal

Artillery Arsenal

Mr. Pitcairn describes his role as layer in an 18-Pound artillery crew, the make up of the crew, and concludes by describing the wide variety and versatility of artillery pieces, both Commonwealth and German.

Harold Stafford Lidstone

Harold Stafford Lidstone

Mr. Lidstone describes the role of the Battalion Engineering Corps in repairing damaged trenches.

Landing in Korea

Landing in Korea

Mr. Thorsen describes his first impression of landing in Korea, and being disturbed at seeing so many dead American soldiers.

A Rough Voyage at Sea

A Rough Voyage at Sea

Mr. Thorsen describes the storms experienced at sea, the seasickness of sailors, and the many men wishing they could die.

Lost To Weather

Lost To Weather

Mr. Sharpe describes the dangers of flying in tropical weather conditions.

Jerry Schroeder

Jerry Schroeder

Mr. Sharpe discusses a tragic loss and an incredible coincidence.

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