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Posted to Malta

Posted to Malta

Mr. Smith describes taking off from an aircraft carrier and flying over North Africa on his way to the airfields in Malta.

First mission

First mission

Mr. Smith describes several aspects of his first flying mission: seeing a friendly pilot eject over the English Channel, viewing the French landscape, and experiencing German flak along the French coast.

Declared Operational

Declared Operational

Mr. Smith describes the process of ‘working up’, wherein the squadron practised formation flying and aerial target shooting. After this training they were declared battle ready.

Dogfight Training and Confidence Building

Dogfight Training and Confidence Building

Mr. Smith discusses learning how to dogfight and his decreased reliance on his instruments, learning instead to trust the “feel” of his Spitfire. This experience renews his confidence as a pilot.

I’ll Never Master This

I’ll Never Master This

Mr. Smith describes his impressions of the Spitfire, his initial flight in one, and his feeling that he’d never be able to fly one properly.

Army Co-op and Spitfires

Army Co-op and Spitfires

Mr. Smith describes disappointment of being assigned to army co-op duty at Grangemouth, Scotland but later perks up learning that it was a Spitfire base.

Hand in your Flying Gear!

Hand in your Flying Gear!

Mr. Smith describes the exhilaration or disappointment of being selected or not for Overseas pilot duty.

Flying a Yale

Flying a Yale

Mr. Smith offers a detailed description of the Yale. aircraft, in which he completed his pilot training in Canada.



Mr. Harrison describes returning home and his happy reunion with his family. His one regret was having to answer questions from those whose loved ones hadn’t returned.

The War Ends

The War Ends

Mr. Harrison describes the events in his camp the day that the Japanese capitulate. The elation is dampened by the unfortunate death of a young American pilot who crashes beside the camp.

Extra Protein

Extra Protein

Mr. Harrison describes being given pickled locusts as a protein supplement, much to the distaste of many prisoners.

Incremental Punishment

Incremental Punishment

Mr. Harrison discusses how complaints about how the men are being punished only leads to harsher treatment by the Japanese. The complaints stop!

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