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4752 results returned
Fuel was Critical

Fuel was Critical

Mr. Warren describes several of his combat tasks; sweeps (searching for targets of opportunity), dogfighting and bomber escort. The length of these missions was short due to the Spitfire's small fuel capacity and high consumption rate.

Value of his Ground Crew

Value of his Ground Crew

Mr. Warren discusses the importance of his ground crew, and his sense that they were responsible for his safely completing his tour of duty.

Aircraft Shortages at Flying School

Aircraft Shortages at Flying School

Mr. Warren describes a shortage of Anson aircraft at Elementary Flying School in High River Alberta. His tongue-in-cheek sense is that more value was placed on recovering the wheels from a downed aircraft than on its pilot. Later, at RAF flying school in Medicine Hat, he retrains in a single engine Harvard which eventually leads him to becoming a fighter pilot.

Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

Mr. Warren, who enlisted with his identical twin brother, describes an ironic situation which occurs while training in a Link Trainer at High River, Alberta. Mr. Warren's twin is having trouble in this machine, and unbeknown to the instructor, they trade places. Ironically, the marks Mr. Warren gets for his brother are higher than his own.

Coming Home

Coming Home

Mr. Morrison recounts the reception received when returning from Afghanistan both by the American and Canadian people.

What I’d Tell the Youth

What I’d Tell the Youth

Mr. Morrison shares his advice to the youth of today with focus on achieving high academic level of education.

My Partner Almost Took my Bullet

My Partner Almost Took my Bullet

While called to clear a mud hut, Mr. Morrison describes the close call when a split second of communication made the difference.

The ROE Card

The ROE Card

At first unfamiliar with the rules of engagement, Mr. Morrison expresses his views on carrying the card while on duty.

When to Carry a Weapon

When to Carry a Weapon

Mr. Morrison explains the responsibilities of securing and accessing the guns when needed.

A Daily Routine

A Daily Routine

Mr. Morrison provides detail of his work routine while in camp.

Adapting to the Surroundings

Adapting to the Surroundings

Mr. Morrison speaks of his duties on air sentry and witnessing the existence of the Afghan people.

A Smell Never Forgotten

A Smell Never Forgotten

Mr. Morrison recalls his strong recollection of the smells and sights upon arrival in Afghanistan.

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