A Shortage of Medicine at Yokohama
Heroes Remember
A Shortage of Medicine at Yokohama
In Yokohama, I don’t know what we had
available but I don’t think it was very much
because I don’t know of anybody that had
it really, they’d bring in some things
that were to combat something like when
I told you about the worms,
there was an outbreak of that and
they brought in a medicine for that.
And there was a few other things that
they would bring medicine in for.
At other times, a couple of times this
happened a whole load of doctors
would come in and they would be one and
you’d go, you’d have to march from
one to the other, one would pump something
in and one would take something out and
nobody had a clue what it was they were doing.
I think I only had one medical I think the
whole time I was there and I guess that was
for their information more than ours,
oh and I think they gave us TB tests,
I think they did too.
I believe the worse cases of beri beri,
I think some of them got the
odd shot of vitamin B
but, as I say, I never saw any medicine
the whole time I was over there or
at least I never got any.
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