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Evacuation to Hong Kong Island

Heroes Remember

Evacuation to Hong Kong Island

Well we thought we’d give it a good battle anyways. We didn’t know whether we’d win or not , of course, we didn’t know what forces were going to be coming against us either. What I remember though we had to go back over to Kowloon. We were mobilized, at least D company was mobilized and we went back across to help the retreat of some of the British soldiers that were coming back from the border. And the Japanese were chasing them and we were supposed to be the rear guard. I didn’t actually see any Japanese but some of the British soldiers that went by us said, “Stay here for five minutes and then get the hell out of here,” and this is what we heard from them, you know, these different limeys and so forth and that. In the position that I was in, it didn’t seem very orderly. We were just supposed to drop back and drop back down to the water and get on these different boats, ferries and so forth to get across. And I can’t really say it was really orderly because there was such confusion and there was rifle shots going off and everything else and there was so much confusion and yelling but the main thing is we got across.

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