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Nuttin' but Mutton

Heroes Remember

Nuttin' but Mutton


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The main thing I remember is that Nuttin’ but mutton! Everything seemed to be that we had was mutton to eat. We even had tripe for breakfast at times which is horrible but you ate it because you were hungry. Some of the stuff we didn’t, but then we had lamb chops and we had lamb this, in fact, before the end of the trip to Hong Kong even the bologna and the tomatoes tasted like lamb. We stopped at Hawaii going across and then one of the, think it was just after Hawaii that a real storm came up and our escorts disappeared on us. We had two corvettes I think as our escort and they disappeared because from what I understand later on I found out was they were top heavy and when waves hit them on the side they could tip right over so they disappeared into land some place. I don’t know where they went to but after the storm was over we had them back again, they caught up to us again because what I understand is they’re pretty fast moving.

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