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A Tradesman During Wartime

Heroes Remember

A Tradesman During Wartime

I did a lot of work in concrete. We were bricklayers, we had tradesman like, you know, there were carpenters, there were bricklayers, all tradesman like. You know, a lot of elderly people; well I called them elderly, I was eighteen at the time so they were in their thirties, you know, late twenties and thirties. They were in their trade at the time. We built hospitals, worked on hospitals to put wings on them and that and we also built what we called Nissen huts. We would pour the cement foundations and then we would build the structure up and that and then the plumbers would come in and do the inside work. We’d build roads also. Then we would more or less, runways, like, you know at the airports and stuff like that. We would go out on a job as independent, maybe there might be only eighteen or twenty would go out on a job to a certain hospital then after that we would go from one to the other. Maybe every two months or three months we would go back to our headquarters, our unit. At that time, we were on rations wherever we stayed. We were actually affiliated; we were on their staff like for our meals and stuff.

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