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Just Do It!

Heroes Remember

You got to do what your heart wants you to do. If you want to join the military, just join. I got a lot of parents, a lot of friends and their kids want to join the military and do it just for the experience. You grow so much in that first three years, even if you only stay in for three years. You grow so much. You learn how to do things by yourself. You push away from the video games. You get outside more. You are more physically active and you build a bond with people that will last your whole life. When push comes to shove the friends that you make in the military are going to be there when you really need them. I got friends that called me when I was having bad days and I spoke to them when they were having bad days. Just do it. If you want to do it in your heart, don’t do it just for a job because you are not going to like it. If you really want to do it in your heart then do it because nothing will make you prouder than when you wear that flag on your shoulder.

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