A Moment of Honour
Heroes Remember
A Moment of Honour
As a sniper I had an unbelievably beautiful
experience. I guess that’s abstract.
Of all the experiences I had in Korea some
were really funny. The highlight emotionally
I can tell you very quickly.
It was on that same position on
The Hook and that same hill or that same
trench that came across the hill was badly
built because for a moment when a man
came through that trench his whole body was
exposed because you looked down the trench
and then, of course, when he came over the
crest he immediately turned right and he
disappeared in a trench that went about 150
feet into an observation bunker that the
Chinese had. I shot two men as they came
through within seconds of each other.
Two men came through that trench,
Bwam, bwam!! I got both of them.
About five minutes later this was in the
afternoon about two o’clock, I guess,
it was bright sunlight, cold winter,
where the trench went into that like a
low feature, when it went into that hill,
a man appeared. You could see him from
the shoulders up, if they ducked at all they
could run that whole distance and you
wouldn’t see him until of course he went
across that stupid bloody design.
They should have had it at an angle but
they had it direct opposite me.
Anyway, this guy showed up. Jennifer,
he was waving a white flag.
And, of course, I knew he wasn’t surrendering.
He was asking for time out.
And I remember being,
I felt so overwhelmed. I don’t know,
I made a painting of this only about five years ago.
It’s been with me, these things don’t leave you.
He’s waving for time out. If the King of England
had ordered me to shoot
I would have refused. I had a moment of honour.
I respected this international “give me a moment”.
And two men appeared,
they must have been scared skinny. These two
guys appeared looking over his shoulder
and they’re carrying a stretcher.
And, of course, in my painting I depict them.
This one guy is waving this white flag.
I think it was on his rifle or something,
anyway a white piece of cloth.
These two guys ran like crazy down that
trench only about 150, 200 feet to
where that was with the two bodies
in it and I’ll never know
why but they only took one.
Well, they can only do one at a time anyway.
They took one of them,
I guess he was still alive.
And they put him on a stretcher and ran back.
And then the fellow disappeared.
This all took just a few minutes but I bet
those boys spoke about
the honour of the Canadian soldiers
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