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At Sea Amongst a Minefield

Heroes Remember

At Sea Amongst a Minefield


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So we were out at sea, relatively safe. We had our problems. We found ourselves in a minefield one time and we had to get out of there because we happened to spot a mine. The mines are about I guess about that big and all the prongs on them. You don’t hit them because they will blow. This mine, what happened, this one particular mine it bobbed at the surface because the mines are below the water. You can’t see them until you hit them. So there’s a cable runs down with cement blocking, what have you, on the bottom and the cable must have broke and it bobbed to the surface. That’s the only way we knew that it was there. We weren’t allowed to leave that. We had to sink it. You are not allowed to leave that mine on the surface for obvious reasons, other ships around. So with our guns, we turned our guns onto it and blew it out of the water.

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