A Gun Sergeant’s Duty
Heroes Remember
A Gun Sergeant’s Duty
My duty … I had a gun crew, a six man crew, and I would have
probably a bombardier or a lance sergeant with me and four
gunners. I was responsible for them and a driver, and a gun
tractor, and a gun. You did guard duties and that as a sergeant.
They did, you know, duties other than being with you. But when
you went in a field to a firing or anything else, or a scheme,
that same group of gunners were yours. They went with you and
they stuck with you. I had a crew that was loyal to this fellow
and loyal to the regiment and that’s all that mattered, because
the regiment was home. They’re a family, and whatever they get
into, I stuck up for them. If the gun pits had to be dug deeper,
they dug ‘em and I dug with them.
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