Poison ivy for toilet paper
First World War Audio Archive
Poison ivy for toilet paper
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About March the 15th, 1916, when six of us signed up for the
Hill 62 Memorial Belgium.
Haldimand Regiment, the 114th Battalion, under Colonel Thompson.Courtrai Memorial Belgium.
And “C” Company was in Haggersville so we started trainingLe Quesnel Memorial Belgium.
there almost immediately. About July we went to Camp Borden, and the whole battalion then was together. We formed fours,Gueudecourt Memorial France.
learned how to fix bayonets and everything, connected under anDury Memorial France.
old English soldier by the name of Batridge who taught us allMonchy Memorial France.
he knew about army life, but after we got to Camp Borden, why we did it all over again. We marched in the dust and wentPasschendaele Memorial Belgium.
out on manoeuvres and poison ivy patches. The sergeant warnedMasnières memorial France.
us not to make our bed anywheres near where the poison ivy was, but unknown to him or us they’d put a laxative in the tea.Bourion Wood Memorial France.
And in the night, the troops got restless, everybody escapedCourcelette Memorial France.
the poison ivy but him. He used it for toilet paper. Being as he was an ex-minister, I happened to be passing hisBeaumont-Hamel Memorial France.
tent three days later and he was holding a looking glass and a brush and painting. He said, “Close, can you swear?” and I was aSt. Julien Memorial Belgium.
little startled. I said, “On occasion.” “Well,” he said, “do some for me.” So, it was a very unhappy event.Canadian National Vimy Memorial France.
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