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In the army

First World War Audio Archive

I came back here and I joined the militia and Colonel Germaine

Image of Hill 62 Memorial Belgium

was in command. He asked me to his assistant adjutant. I was

Courtrai Memorial Belgium

RSM in the military and he asked me to join the, to take up the

Le Quesnel Memorial Belgium

assistant adjutant’s job. Well, I hesitated, I didn’t want to

Gueudecourt Memorial France

do it. I wasn’t fussy about a commission and then I changed my

Dury Memorial France

mind and I took it. And then I was adjutant and then I was

Monchy Memorial France

company commander and I was a major. I was a captain adjutant

Passchendaele Memorial Belgium

and then company commander major, and then I, when the

Masnières memorial France

Second World War broke out, Colonel Quinn called me up. I was up

Bourion Wood Memorial France

in Prince Albert checking CPR accounts. He called me up in 1940

Courcelette Memorial France

to join the training centre. So I joined the 120th Training

Beaumont-Hamel Memorial France

Centre in Regina and I eventually became second-in-command there

St. Julien Memorial Belgium

under Quinn. I was in the army from 1905, you can say till 1945.

Canadian National Vimy Memorial France

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