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The Rhine Drop (3 of 4)

Heroes Remember

The Rhine Drop (3 of 4)

But I was working my way across the drop zone and I got to the base of the flag-shaped woods and there was a British Lieutenant, I saw him later, and he said, "You Canadians aren't suppose to be here." And I said, "I know that." And he said, "Well get your men out of here." So I said, "I'm a private solider," and he cocked his pistol and said, "I said get your men out of here!" "Yes Sir!" So all I could think of to do. It was one of the proudest moments of my life, I just got up and started running toward the base of the flag-shaped woods yelling "Canada". And these guys, it was fun, you would see about every third or fourth, we were all mixed up with the Brits, every third or fourth guy would peel off and come and join us. By the time we hit the woods, of course I had the radio set, they were all a way ahead of me and there weren't any Germans there anyhow. So it was a, was a good go. But it was a, it was such a thrill to see guys, you would hear "Canada" yelled you know, and they would look around and join us. There must have been thirty of us by the time we hit the side of the drop zone. The Battalion headquarter's objective was a, was a T-road, up from the Rhine, where we, where we landed. We were to cut the Germans. They, they didn't expect a daylight drop, apparently and their reserves had gone down to the river. They expected a, it was so late in the day, well actually it was ten o'clock and so we had, at one point we had to stop shooting, we were running out of ammunition with these guys trying to get back from the river, the Germans. And we had, we had prisoners all over the place, digging our holes for us.

Mr. Kelly talks about his run in with a British Lieutenant and the thrill from all the lost Canadians running together to get to battalion headquarters.

Jeff Kelly

Mr. Kelly was born in Lindsay, Ontario, December 16, 1923. His father was a medical officer with a field ambulance in the First World War and received a Distinguished Service Order. Mr Kelly wanted to be an infantry man as his father had a great admiration for them. He joined the army on the 22nd of May in 1942. He served overseas with the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion which was part of the British 6th Airborne Division.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Jeff Kelly
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
British 6th Airborne Division
Intelligence officer

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