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Brought Up To Help Others

Heroes Remember

Brought Up To Help Others

I mean, to say that we didn't help them out would be lying, because I mean I gave them milk and stuff like that for the children. And if the kids got sick there was no medicine but we had a, we had, we had our own medics and stuff, so I did help them. But just, just a few, I mean but if you help one that's a start you know what I'm saying? Cause like we are, I don't know like... Not to give anything away but Canadians, like we, we're, we're brought up that, you know you help I mean you help. I mean but I don't know about anybody else but I come from a large family, I mean and we didn't have much growing up but what we had was ours and even if you only had a little bit and someone had none you still split it another way, you see what I'm saying? We were brought up that way and I, you know and I have never changed it, I give, I help anybody right. To go over there and be so restricted was like "I can't believe they're making me do this", you know, like it was hard to take, you know. You couldn't pick anybody up, you couldn't give them anything. You couldn't you just, you just kind of like you drove with this tunnel vision like you didn't see anything, but it's impossible not to see, you know what I'm saying? It's not... It's not as other people have different perspectives of it, but my perspective is that I wanna help anyway I can. So you know, I used to bring letters across from, because, I don't know if you understand what happened in Yugoslavia, but there was an ethnic cleansing, so there was Serb, you could have a Serb married to a Croatian and then when they did the ethic cleansing you had a choice; do you wanna go.. she went back on Croatian side or he. So you had people that married together fifteen years are split, ok because the fact that one was a Croatian and one was a Serb and then they had the family split, so once you pick your side that's where you stayed. So we brought letters across to families so they could read and stuff like that. We weren't supposed to do that. But if that was a big crime, then you know jail me, charge me, throw me away lock up the key. You know if you're gonna... if the military was gonna charge me for caring then go right ahead, right?

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