Serbian Head Games
Heroes Remember
Serbian Head Games
And when I lost radio communication I said, well you know.
And my warrant officer told me "You will, you will lose
communication for periods of times," right. And the young guy
that was with me there, Mohamed he said "What do we do?
What happens if they over run us and take our vehicle?" I said,
"Well if I get stopped and we're held at gun point, we give them
the vehicle". I mean what's, what's the latter to, we don't give
it to them and they you know shoot at us.
Or we just give them the vehicle and we'll walk back or whatever
you know. We never come across that but it happens,
soldiers would lose their vehicles. Because over there, there was
so many sanctions in, in a, in Serbia. I was in,
what they called RSK (Republic Serbia Kyrenia) it was something
that they named. So over there, they had so many sanctions eh
They were in the heart of Yugoslavia, they weren't by the water,
waterways so they couldn't get anything in, and everything was
cut off. So, soldiers were walking for miles.
We'd drive down the road and nothing to see soldiers walking
everywhere and you couldn't pick them up.
I mean, some of these soldiers were kids. Like I
seen kids like, no more than 12 years old and in clothes that
didn't even fit them and a rifle hung over their back and they're
down in the city right? And you look at it and say its just a
shame, like a young boy they had him all you know...
And you'd be driving out there and you'd be driving by and
there'd be people with rifles. I mean that was the same as you
going up, you know going down to the super market and seeing
people walking around. It was just a normal thing you know, to
see someone with a rifle. Everybody packed a rifle, ok.
Sometimes you would drive by and they would kind of point you
know at the vehicle. That was, when you go to the city,
that was a little nerve racking but it was a kind of a head set
mind for them. Because, like again when they see the UN coming
they didn't want us there. So they would try to make it
uncomfortable for you, you know. So that was a little bit getting
used to, you know seeing a machine or a gun or a rifle or what
ever they had. I don't know, I think it was a C-9 they called it,
but they would point it towards kinda at the ground towards the
vehicle you know kinda thing right, just kinda... And you know
after a while you kinda got used to that because you know they
were going to do it; "I wonder who's gonna point at me today or
whatever. Those were the things that you had to adapt to, know
what I mean.And say "If they're gonna fire upon me", if they
wanted to fire upon that vehicle they could. I mean we had no
authority who could pack a rifle and who couldn't. I mean we had
Serbian soldiers right in the city you know. Lots of times
they'd be drinking, you know what I'm saying?
And at that point you say "well if it happens, it happens"
you know. And you say "If we come under well fire you react".
I mean you have to react. It never happened to us or to anyone
that was there. But it was those head games you know?
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