High Morale
Heroes Remember
High Morale
We had what we called ‘spikers' in the camp. These are fellows
that were nicotined so badly, I mean they would drive them
crazy. They would give their food away for a, for a cigarette.
A spiker was a guy that would walk around following
anybody that had a cigarette and picking up the butts.
This day, we had a little parade square and everybody out
there walking and there was two naval officers walking one day
and they, one was smoking a cigarette and our friend, big guy
about 6'3, 6'4, was following them, big strides. And they,
the officer stopped at the end and they were going to
separate and when you're smoking it to get a double puff
then you'd drop it and just as he dropped the cigarette,
this big fella come in, puts, sticks his foot in on top of his
and looked him straight in the eye and says, "Sir, you're
stepping on my tobacco," reached down, grabbed his
tobacco and... Alright, these things amused us, we thought,
we thought they were funny then. I don't know if they are now.
Interviewer: Kept you going.
Yeah, that's right.
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