Where Are You?
Heroes Remember
Where Are You?
A funny incident, funny incident. You’ve heard of the famous
99th Pursuit Group in the United States Air Force? I think it was
the 99th Pursuit Group which was an all Black squadron, great
reputation. And in Italy one day we were flying and in the same
air space somewhere out there was the 99th Pursuit Group, flying,
and we heard the conversation because they happened to be on
the same frequency we were. And the voice came on and said,
“Yellow Six, this be Yellow Blue Leada, get your ass up here
your draggin’.” He was trying to get, you could, and nothing.
Then finally the thing, “Yellow Leada speakin’ again, Yellow Blue
Six I said get your ass up here your draggin’.” Words to that
effect. Silence. Finally you hear, “Yellow Blue Leada, this be
Yellow Blue Six, where ya all at?” The leader came back and
says, “We be over hear.” The guy says, “Over here is a mighty
big place.” We all nearly did flip spins at that time. But that
was funny, that as hilar, the wording may not be exactly right
but, and these fellas had a magnificent reputation you know.
That’s a funny (inaudible).
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