Across the English Channel
Heroes Remember
Across the English Channel
Oh it went perfectly smoothly til just at the end,
there was an accidental collision,
not collision but meeting of German E-boats and
our landing craft, and it didn't stop us landing
but it did alert the German's
Interviewer: How much before the
estimated landing time was it?
I couldn't tell you.
Interviewer: If you had to estimate would you say
that it was minutes or even an hour before?
Could have been an hour before. Very late.
Interviewer: So in your view is it likely
that the E-boat captain radioed the alarm?
Interviewer: Was there any discussion
among the senior officers to abort?
no. At least, I don't know because
I wasn't consulted...I wasn't in the planning.
But we were discovered so late before our
landing time that in fact we got ashore
without being fired on, but on the main
beach that wasn't the case.
Interviewer: On your beach, Green Beach,
where the South Saskatchewan Regiment
landed, you believe that a surprise was achieved?
I know surprise was achieved.
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