Ears to the Outside World
Heroes Remember
Ears to the Outside World
We had a very good fellow who built a radio and people didn’t
just sit listening to the boob tube. But people who were on the
committee for the radio made a record, a record of the daily news
and then it was read around the whole camp in small, to small
groups you see. And it lasted very well and we were kept
reasonably up to date in the development, larger development
of the war. We used to listen to the, our, our operator listened
and recorded it and then it was read around the whole camp.
It was a...had to be done very circumspectly.
Interviewer: If in fact the German authorities had've
found the radio what would have happened?
They’d have destroyed it, made it difficult for us to replace it
and if they could lay their hands on anybody who was
operating it they would punish that person.
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