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American Comrades

Heroes Remember

Well this one thing I learned, I don’t know whether I expressed it in my book or not, but we tied in with the American Air Force, several occasions. They were fantastic people. They treated us royally and we treated them royally. Now, I’ll tell you a story. The CN Tower, oh this was about maybe thirty years ago, twenty-five years ago, I’m down in Toronto with my wife, and with, she’s got an aunt, an elderly aunt and we took her up the CN Tower. And we went up to the second pod. And they’re talking and I’m wandering around and all of a sudden I heard, “Hey Abby” Well, I froze. Nobody called me that since the Air Force. And I thought, I looked around and here this guy standing over.. with this silly look on his face and I recognized him. He was one of the engineers from this American Air Force that I first met in Plumetot. He, and I met him again in Holland, he lives in South Carolina and I hadn’t seen him since 1944, ‘45, so here I am in CN Tower and he’s from South Carolina, he’s in Toronto, and I’m there, we meet after all those years We stood and I bet for over an hour, we just shot the breeze. I mean, the wife and the aunt had gone in to get something to eat and, but, what are the odds of something like that happening? I don’t even remember his name. But they treated us royally. Several times we got cut off from stores for food and they’d, “C’mon over for Thanksgiving”, we went over there for their Thanksgiving, we went over there for Christmas the one year because it was either bully beef or SPAM. We went over for fresh turkey. They, they were good. I don’t care what anybody says, the Yankees are, they were alright.

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