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Night Attack!

Heroes Remember

I guess it would be best to describe it as, it was eye- opening. The first was, we took an attack at night. We hadn't been in the lines that long and the North Koreans, they use a sort of wave attacks. Like, one wave and another wave behind and another wave behind, like, it seemed like they had endless, endless, endless men, manpower and that. And it was pretty damn scary when the flares were going up and you could see all these, it looked like a bunch of ants crawling around, coming up the hills, and that, but you know, it, it was scary, but you knew you had a job to do and you had to do it, you know. Interviewer: How did the Koreans or the Communists signal to one another or signal attacks? Bugles. Interviewer: Do you remember the sound of those bugles? Oh yeah. You always heard them bugles going. Interviewer: And you knew what was coming? Oh, you knew immediately what was happening, and that. Personally I thought it was kind of foolish on their part cause if you had some people sleeping in the trenches and you didn't know that an attack was coming and that, as soon as they started blowing them bugles, everybody knew what was, what was taking place, and that. So everybody was up and alert.

Mr. Nickerson describes his first encounter with the enemy - a night attack!

Ray Nickerson

Mr. Nickerson's father was a farmer and Veteran of the First World War. Mr. Nickerson was the second youngest of 10 children. Three of his older brothers served in the Second World War. He left school at the age of 16 and enlisted in the army with the PPCLI. His parents were not happy with this. After enlisting, Mr. Nickerson went to Curry Barracks in Calgary for basic training. He did his advanced training in Curry and in Wainwright, Alberta. In November 1950, his battalion was told they were going to Korea to serve with the U.N. force. Mr. Nickerson saw action near Pusan, Seoul and at Kapyong. While in Korea, Mr. Nickerson was wounded by a land mine. He was hospitalized for nine weeks. After his recovery, he returned to the front . Mr. Nickerson's tour of duty ended late in 1951 and he returned to Canada. He remained in the Canadian Army until his retirement in 1968.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Ray Nickerson
War, Conflict or Mission:
Korean War
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)

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