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Small Port of Dieppe

Heroes Remember

Small Port of Dieppe


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Invasion took place while I was taking the signal training and, and we were, we even debated, shall we run away and join the, join the guys, you know, in the infantry? Cause some people did, you know, they got all geared up and wanted to be part of it. But we made, we made a decision that no, you know, let's get this done at one thing at a time, there's gonna be lots of war left, you know. So, eventually, I guess in, in September, October, it was October, I think, I was sent on leave and then in October I went over and the guys had, had just entered Belgium, Belgium at that time. We left France. We, we actually landed at Dieppe, they opened port, by that time. We had to stay off Dieppe, off the port. We couldn't go out, the port had a tiny little entrance, I mean, it was enough to get two boats in there and that's about it. You know, very tiny. Small little port. And, and then the beaches, you know, these vast beaches with the, with the sea wall and the casino in the end and the big fortification up on the cliff on the right. It was too rough and they didn't want to take the boat in. There was a landing craft infantry, it was like a little, tiny destroyer with a couple of ramps each side that could be lowered. Fair size ship, but there was a bunch of us on there, couple hundred people, I guess. But we were standing off in this rough weather, anchored, and we had ample time to look at the whole scene that the Dieppe boys had gone through, you know. And I, we said to ourselves, "This is ridiculous." How could anybody ever think that they could have sent our guys in there and not have them chopped to pieces, you know?

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