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Training in Canada

Heroes Remember

Fair, but rough you know, they were rough. You had to be rough. Let’s face it or you would have a, you know a bunch of people that would be out of hand. But way I remember, one corporal, I was in artillery but the bombardiers that they were pretty tough. I mean you did, as long as you did what you were told, I mean you were clear sailing for you. That's the way I worked it. I went to Woodstock, Ontario, that’s where they sent me to take a driver/mechanic course there and I was there for two months and then I went to, what they call that camp up... Eastern Passage out in Nova Scotia. That’s where I took my advanced training on the guns. Well I enjoyed it to tell you the truth, I did. I really enjoyed the guns. And one thing I really remember there, salt old air out in the Atlantic there you used to have to keep those guns pretty well oiled up or they would get rusted. That’s always been in my mind Not bad though, I mean let’s face it, things didn’t get rough until you got overseas, but you still had those tough guys there running you down to the knee caps, but as long as you mind your business it was okay.

Mr. Taylor describes various aspects of his training after enlisting during the Second World War, in particular maintaining artillery in the salty maritime air.

Edward P. Taylor

Edward P. Taylor, the twelfth of fifteen children, was born in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario on September 9, 1923. His father managed a paper mill and was therefore unable to enlist. However Edward, very aware of the situation in Europe, enlisted in the Army in Toronto at age nineteen, two years after being rejected by the Navy because of his age. Mr. Taylor served as radio operator with the Royal 22nd Regiment in Italy and he later redeployed to Northern Europe, where he spent time with the Army of Occupation. He served as a radio operator once more during the Korean War. Choosing to remain in the armed forces, Mr. Taylor also completed two tours of duty with NATO in Germany.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Edward P. Taylor
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Royal Canadian Artillery

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