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Arresting A 'Friendly' Intruder

Heroes Remember

Arresting A 'Friendly' Intruder

I was out and they give me a companion. They was gonna put a light out for that night and this is in daytime, went out and we was walking along and I had, I had what's his name ahead of me and I heard somebody walking behind me, footsteps, so I jumped into a little place off the trench and I got out of sight there, it's kind of cut in like this and I got kind of out of sight. But when he went back, I came out behind him and when I got up close to him again I kept on right close to him until we got to where my other fellow, my fellow was and he had the rifle, he had the rifle stuck up on to him, so I came up behind him, reached around him, I put my finger in his back like that and I went behind him and I took his revolver out. This was a brigade fellow, 5th Brigade, I didn't know him from Adam. The only thing is he was dressed up in a 5th Brigade outfit but he couldn't tell that because maybe he was German with a 5th Brigade uniform on. Anyway, anyway I got him that way and I sent him back with my chum, sent him back. Right from this day I never heard no more about that, not a thing because it was 5th Brigade fellow, you see, but if it would have been a German??

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