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German Citizens were Welcoming and Cooperative.

Heroes Remember

German Citizens were Welcoming and Cooperative.


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Oh the people, the very best. My gosh, we went in to them people, they went in and they put us up. We was all winter with them. We stayed there all winter. We didn't come back until the next spring. They would do all the feeding they could for us and, of course, we got all the hard tack and stuff that we could get for them and help them out. The, what do you call it, bully beef, ya we got cans and boy, they was tickled with that. That helped them and they was just as good as gold, you couldn't beat them. That old gal that was in our place, my they couldn't do enough for ya. Yes, and the old gent too. They were just as happy as they could be and, you know, they used you good. They used you the same as if you were in the family.

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