Record of Discussion - 26 September 2023

Tuesday, 26 September 2023
10:00 – 16:00 (ET)
In-person at 66 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON

Virtual via Microsoft Teams

Policy Advisory Group

  • Captain (Retired) Dennis Leblanc (Co-Chair)
  • Lieutenant (Retired) Carolyn Hughes, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Sergeant (Retired) Kim Hendricken, RCMP Veterans Association
  • Sailor 1st class (Retired) Scott White
  • Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Lori Buchart
  • Sergeant (Retired) Catherine Bergeron
  • Captain(N) Greg Adamthwaite on behalf of Commodore Dan Bouchard, Canadian Armed Forces
  • Major (Retired) Mark Campbell


  • Tim Goddard
  • Brian Forbes, National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada (Co-Chair)
  • Master Warrant Officer (Retired) William MacDonald
  • Brigadier-General (Retired) Joe Sharpe

Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

  • The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada and Associate Minister of National Defence
  • Sarah Cozzi, Director of Policy, Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs Canada Officials

  • Mitch Freeman, Director General, Policy and Research Division (Co-Chair)
  • Shawn MacDougall, Senior Director, Disability and Health Care Policy, Veterans Affairs Canada
  • Megan MacKinnon, Acting Program Operations Assistant, Engagements and Events, Commemoration and Public Affairs
  • Elizabeth Hughes, Project Officer, Engagement and Events, Commemoration and Public Affairs


  • Duane Shippers, Office of the Veterans Ombudsman

Land Acknowledgement

The VAC Co-Chair gave a land acknowledgement indicating that meeting is taking place on the unceded territory of the Algonquin people and asked all members for reflection based on where they are located throughout Canada.

Opening Remarks

The VAC Co-Chair introduced the meeting agenda, and the desire to conclude today’s meeting with recommendations regarding policy topics and next steps. The VAC Co-Chair mentioned the previous day’s visit to the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Center and expressed his gratitude to Captain(N) Greg Adamthwaite for hosting. It was an informative session and provided insight into improvements that the Transition Group have been made.

A member expressed that there is some confusion regarding the VAC messaging around indexing from CPP. The VAC Co-Chair agreed to discuss the matter with the appropriate VAC personnel and seek official messaging to clarify the situation.

Debrief from Co-Chairs Meeting

The VAC Co-Chair gave a debrief on the September 12 Co-Chairs meeting. All of the Ministerial Advisory Group Co-Chairs were invited to participate in the meeting and each group highlighted their work. Brian Forbes presented on behalf of the Policy Advisory Group and shared our focus on harmonizing Veterans legislation in accord with our ‘one veteran – one standard’ principle, the adoption of a progressive future loss of income concept in regard to income replacement, Veterans families and caregivers, education and training benefits and employment. The Advisory Group on Families shared a similar list of priorities. Brian also mentioned that the Policy Advisory Group looks forward to future sessions with Minister Petitpas Taylor so as to enter into a meaningful dialogue on our formal report to the Minister of August 2023, and to receive her input as to what is achievable in the current political environment. Additionally, there was a discussion on forward planning, developing consistency among groups, and bringing the Co-Chairs together again. There is desire for all of the groups to have the similar frequency of meetings and to schedule joint advisory meetings if priorities overlap.

Approval of Minutes

The advisory group approved the revised minutes from the March 16 meeting. The minutes from the June 27 meeting will be tabled at the next meeting.

Aging in Place / Long-term Care

The VAC Senior Director in the Policy and Research division joined the meeting to discuss the intention to evolve VAC’s long-term care policy to meet the needs of modern day Veterans. VAC’s long-term care policy was designed 30 or 40 years ago and the needs of Veterans are much different today than back then. The request is for this group to provide 2 or 3 recommendations on how VAC can advance the long-term care policy. The group discussed several points:

  • One Veteran One standard.
    • Should Veterans have different access to benefits based on if their injury is attributable to their service?
    • Does the Veteran have coverage from employment after service?
    • Equal coverage across Canada.
  • The group concluded that there should be more benefits for those with an injury attributable to service and that VAC should consider this group as a priority.
  • VIP A-line and B-line coverage.
    • There is a request for documentation on the difference between A and B coverage.
  • Mental health conditions must be considered.
  • The requirement for plain language.
  • Equality across programing while responding to the needs of the individual Veteran.
  • Veteran Families need to be considered as the family plays an important role in the life journey of a Veteran.
  • Challenges facing Veterans.
    • Navigating the system.
    • Lack of access to personal support workers, medical doctors, etc.
    • Veteran’s pride – they do not want to ask for support.
    • Lack of mental and social stimulation.
  • Responsibility of the Veteran to help themselves.
  • Encourage Veterans to be more open and report injuries related to service.
  • Aging in Place.
    • Proactive planning to ensure supports are in place with or without family support.
  • Long-term care and VIP link to the disability program.
    • Should long-term care be on its own and not require a disability claim?
    • Requirement to provide supports to all Veterans for life.
    • If someone is ill or injured as a result directly related to their service, the benefits are there to bring them back to where they were prior to joining.
  • Education
    • Early education for Veterans. Be sure they are aware of what they are signing up for.

Joint session of the Advisory Group on Families and the Policy Advisory Group

Opening Remarks

Members of the Policy Advisory Group and the Advisory Group on Families met in a joint session to discuss issues of common interest for the second half of the meeting.

The Minister of Veterans Affairs

The Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defense joined the group, to open their joint session. Minister Petitpas Taylor shared her experience as a social worker with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, assisting victims of major crimes. She spoke of how this experience helps to inform the work which she does as Minister of Veterans Affairs. Further, the Minister spoke of how she deeply values the insight and perspectives that members of both advisory groups are providing, expressing that she hopes to be able to have detailed working discussions at future meetings.

Land Acknowledgement

The VAC Co-Chair for the Advisory Group on Families gave a land acknowledgement.

Common Topics of Discussion Between the Groups

The groups discussed areas of mutual interest between the two advisory groups, setting forth points of discussion for their afternoon session. This included:

  • Family access VAC programs and services in their own right;
  • The Caregiver Recognition Benefit eligibility criteria;
  • Access to Mental Health Benefits treatment for families; and
  • Family benefits through transition and post-release.

Definition of Family

The group discussed the definition of a family with the following core principles:

  • Must mirror CAF/DND’s definition so to contribute to a seamless transition for families;
  • Definition must be as open as possible;
  • The nuclear family is no longer the norm; and
  • A review of Five-eyes definitions may help in updating/renewing the definition of a family.

Family Access to Mental Heath Benefits treatment benefits

The group discussed further exploration of having families be approved for the Mental Health Benefits treatment access in their own right, following a defined screening process including that injuries are linked to service.

Caregiver Recognition Benefit

The group discussed:

  • the historical establishment of the Benefit;
  • the eligibility criteria;
  • understanding the reasons why caregivers are denied the benefit;
  • review of the Ombudsman report on CRB;
  • understanding supplementary programs available to caregivers; and
  • access to the benefit for those under the age of 18 vs only adults.

Closing Remarks

The Families and Policy VAC Co-Chairs acknowledged the great discussion between both groups. They committed to bringing the Co-Chairs together within 6 weeks to discuss priorities and next steps.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023
10:00 – 16:00 (ET)
In-person at 66 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON

Virtual via Microsoft Teams

Policy Advisory Group

  • Captain (Retired) Dennis Leblanc (Co-Chair)
  • Lieutenant (Retired) Carolyn Hughes, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Sergeant (Retired) Kim Hendricken, RCMP Veterans Association
  • Sailor 1st class (Retired) Scott White
  • Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Lori Buchart
  • Sergeant (Retired) Catherine Bergeron
  • Captain(N) Greg Adamthwaite on behalf of Commodore Dan Bouchard, Canadian Armed Forces
  • Major (Retired) Mark Campbell


  • Tim Goddard
  • Brian Forbes, National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada (Co-Chair)
  • Master Warrant Officer (Retired) William MacDonald
  • Brigadier-General (Retired) Joe Sharpe

Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

  • The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada and Associate Minister of National Defence
  • Sarah Cozzi, Director of Policy, Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs Canada Officials

  • Mitch Freeman, Director General, Policy and Research Division (Co-Chair)
  • Shawn MacDougall, Senior Director, Disability and Health Care Policy, Veterans Affairs Canada
  • Megan MacKinnon, Acting Program Operations Assistant, Engagements and Events, Commemoration and Public Affairs
  • Elizabeth Hughes, Project Officer, Engagement and Events, Commemoration and Public Affairs


  • Duane Shippers, Office of the Veterans Ombudsman

Land Acknowledgement

The VAC Co-Chair gave a land acknowledgement indicating that meeting is taking place on the unceded territory of the Algonquin people and asked all members for reflection based on where they are located throughout Canada.

Opening Remarks

The VAC Co-Chair introduced the meeting agenda, and the desire to conclude today’s meeting with recommendations regarding policy topics and next steps. The VAC Co-Chair mentioned the previous day’s visit to the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Center and expressed his gratitude to Captain(N) Greg Adamthwaite for hosting. It was an informative session and provided insight into improvements that the Transition Group have been made.

A member expressed that there is some confusion regarding the VAC messaging around indexing from CPP. The VAC Co-Chair agreed to discuss the matter with the appropriate VAC personnel and seek official messaging to clarify the situation.

Debrief from Co-Chairs Meeting

The VAC Co-Chair gave a debrief on the September 12 Co-Chairs meeting. All of the Ministerial Advisory Group Co-Chairs were invited to participate in the meeting and each group highlighted their work. Brian Forbes presented on behalf of the Policy Advisory Group and shared our focus on harmonizing Veterans legislation in accord with our ‘one veteran – one standard’ principle, the adoption of a progressive future loss of income concept in regard to income replacement, Veterans families and caregivers, education and training benefits and employment. The Advisory Group on Families shared a similar list of priorities. Brian also mentioned that the Policy Advisory Group looks forward to future sessions with Minister Petitpas Taylor so as to enter into a meaningful dialogue on our formal report to the Minister of August 2023, and to receive her input as to what is achievable in the current political environment. Additionally, there was a discussion on forward planning, developing consistency among groups, and bringing the Co-Chairs together again. There is desire for all of the groups to have the similar frequency of meetings and to schedule joint advisory meetings if priorities overlap.

Approval of Minutes

The advisory group approved the revised minutes from the March 16 meeting. The minutes from the June 27 meeting will be tabled at the next meeting.

Aging in Place / Long-term Care

The VAC Senior Director in the Policy and Research division joined the meeting to discuss the intention to evolve VAC’s long-term care policy to meet the needs of modern day Veterans. VAC’s long-term care policy was designed 30 or 40 years ago and the needs of Veterans are much different today than back then. The request is for this group to provide 2 or 3 recommendations on how VAC can advance the long-term care policy. The group discussed several points:

  • One Veteran One standard.
    • Should Veterans have different access to benefits based on if their injury is attributable to their service?
    • Does the Veteran have coverage from employment after service?
    • Equal coverage across Canada.
  • The group concluded that there should be more benefits for those with an injury attributable to service and that VAC should consider this group as a priority.
  • VIP A-line and B-line coverage.
    • There is a request for documentation on the difference between A and B coverage.
  • Mental health conditions must be considered.
  • The requirement for plain language.
  • Equality across programing while responding to the needs of the individual Veteran.
  • Veteran Families need to be considered as the family plays an important role in the life journey of a Veteran.
  • Challenges facing Veterans.
    • Navigating the system.
    • Lack of access to personal support workers, medical doctors, etc.
    • Veteran’s pride – they do not want to ask for support.
    • Lack of mental and social stimulation.
  • Responsibility of the Veteran to help themselves.
  • Encourage Veterans to be more open and report injuries related to service.
  • Aging in Place.
    • Proactive planning to ensure supports are in place with or without family support.
  • Long-term care and VIP link to the disability program.
    • Should long-term care be on its own and not require a disability claim?
    • Requirement to provide supports to all Veterans for life.
    • If someone is ill or injured as a result directly related to their service, the benefits are there to bring them back to where they were prior to joining.
  • Education
    • Early education for Veterans. Be sure they are aware of what they are signing up for.

Joint session of the Advisory Group on Families and the Policy Advisory Group

Opening Remarks

Members of the Policy Advisory Group and the Advisory Group on Families met in a joint session to discuss issues of common interest for the second half of the meeting.

The Minister of Veterans Affairs

The Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defense joined the group, to open their joint session. Minister Petitpas Taylor shared her experience as a social worker with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, assisting victims of major crimes. She spoke of how this experience helps to inform the work which she does as Minister of Veterans Affairs. Further, the Minister spoke of how she deeply values the insight and perspectives that members of both advisory groups are providing, expressing that she hopes to be able to have detailed working discussions at future meetings.

Land Acknowledgement

The VAC Co-Chair for the Advisory Group on Families gave a land acknowledgement.

Common Topics of Discussion Between the Groups

The groups discussed areas of mutual interest between the two advisory groups, setting forth points of discussion for their afternoon session. This included:

  • Family access VAC programs and services in their own right;
  • The Caregiver Recognition Benefit eligibility criteria;
  • Access to Mental Health Benefits treatment for families; and
  • Family benefits through transition and post-release.

Definition of Family

The group discussed the definition of a family with the following core principles:

  • Must mirror CAF/DND’s definition so to contribute to a seamless transition for families;
  • Definition must be as open as possible;
  • The nuclear family is no longer the norm; and
  • A review of Five-eyes definitions may help in updating/renewing the definition of a family.

Family Access to Mental Heath Benefits treatment benefits

The group discussed further exploration of having families be approved for the Mental Health Benefits treatment access in their own right, following a defined screening process including that injuries are linked to service.

Caregiver Recognition Benefit

The group discussed:

  • the historical establishment of the Benefit;
  • the eligibility criteria;
  • understanding the reasons why caregivers are denied the benefit;
  • review of the Ombudsman report on CRB;
  • understanding supplementary programs available to caregivers; and
  • access to the benefit for those under the age of 18 vs only adults.

Closing Remarks

The Families and Policy VAC Co-Chairs acknowledged the great discussion between both groups. They committed to bringing the Co-Chairs together within 6 weeks to discuss priorities and next steps.