2.0 About the audit

2.1 Audit objectives and scope


The objective of this audit was to examine the management control framework in place to help ensure the Department has clearly defined its digital service modernization goals and is making progress to move services and application processes digital, consistent with digital best practices. The audit had three subobjectives:

  • Performance Measurement and Benefits Realization: Assess how the Department tracks and reports on its progress related to digital service modernization.
  • Governance and Planning: Assess the Department’s governance and planning process related to the Department’s strategy for digital transformation.
  • Progress of in-flight initiatives: Assess the Department’s in-flight initiatives to digitize paper-based forms and applications, and digital transformation initiatives to integrate business processes and program application steps into My VAC Account to improve efficiency and enable greater automation.


The Department has been working on modernizing its technology and services for many years. The scope of this audit covered departmental strategies, plans, initiatives and projects in place from November 2022 to July 2023. The audit team also reviewed past departmental plans and strategies dating back to 2015, as well as historical data of service delivery going back to 2019.

Although considered in the analysis, the audit did not focus on digital transformation activities related to the Department’s IT infrastructure, including VAC data centres, networks, cloud migration, application portfolio, or efforts related to accessibility.

The findings and conclusions in this report are based on sufficient and appropriate audit evidence gathered in accordance with procedures that meet the Institute of Internal Auditors’ International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing as supported by the results of the quality assurance and improvement program.

The opinions expressed in this report are based on conditions as they existed at the time of the audit and apply only to the entity examined.

Additional information including the audit criteria and methodology are provided in Appendices B and C.