1.0 Background

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) first delivered digital services to Canadians in 2005, when it introduced My VAC Account, allowing Veterans to submit their disability benefit applications online. In 2011, as a commitment to enhancing client service, VAC expanded My VAC Account to allow individuals to view and update basic personal information, communicate with the Department via secure messaging, complete certain applications online, and access the status of some of their services. My VAC Account currently has over 162,000 registered users out of a Veteran population of approximately 461,000.

Flip chart:  Strategy, Digital Transformations : Impacts the entire business. 2 people with circular direction arrows:  Processes, Digitalization: Affects processes and interactions. Newspaper:  Information, Digitization: Happens to data and information.

Canadians have increasingly worked, shopped, learned, and engaged with the private-sector and government online. Their expectations and need for easy to use, accessible digital options continue to grow, and many government departments are transforming to use digital technologies to deliver better programs and services.Footnote 1 This requires modern, integrated systems and a dedicated focus on the needs and experiences of Veterans.

Digital transformation is the process of organizational change brought about by the use of digital technologies and new business models to improve service delivery and operational performance. It is supported by digitization, the conversion of paper information into a digital format, and digitalization, the automation and improvement of business processes by leveraging digital technologies and digitized data.

In 2015 VAC conducted a departmental review of its service delivery approach and published a report (Delivering Service Excellence) which outlined a 5-year plan for service improvement. In 2015 VAC also released a departmental strategic plan (Care, Compassion, Respect 2015-2020), which set the context for organizational priorities and identified service excellence as one of the Department’s core objectives.

In 2019 the Treasury Board released the Policy on Service and DigitalFootnote 2, setting a new direction and requirements for departmental digital activities. The policy’s objective is to improve government operations and the client service experience through digital transformation approaches. The policy is supported by guidance, such as the Digital Standards PlaybookFootnote 3, which outlines principles for improving government services in the digital age. The Policy on Service and Digital supports Canada’s Digital Government Strategy, and the Government of Canada’s Digital Ambition.