Executive summary

Purpose of the audit

This audit examined the management control framework in place to help ensure the Department has clearly defined its digital transformation goals and is making progress to move services and application processes online, consistent with digital best practices. The audit team examined the activities of the Service Delivery Branch, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) group within the Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch, and the Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Branch.

The audit had three sub-objectives:

  • to review the performance measurement and benefits realization of digital initiatives
  • to review the governance and planning of digital activities, and;
  • to examine how progress is being made in the Department’s modernization of services.

Key findings

VAC has undertaken several initiatives to modernize its capacity for digital service delivery; however, the Department has not fully articulated its digital vision and does not have a comprehensive digital transformation strategy. Progress on developing a comprehensive Digital Strategy has been hindered by the lack of a clear lead for the Department’s digital transformation. The Department has made progress in developing an online single window for Veterans to access programs and services, however additional work is required to define the Department’s goals and targets for digital service delivery.

Highlights of the recommendations

It is recommended that the Deputy Minister appoint a senior leader to develop an updated departmental Digital Strategy and coordinate activities across the Department. The updated Digital Strategy should integrate and align with a supporting Data Strategy and Service Management Strategy. The Department should define its goals for the online channel and its services, and establish a process to conduct periodic reviews to identify opportunities to improve digital delivery.

Chief Audit Executive’s signature

Lindy McQuillan, CPA, CMA

Chief Audit Executive

Veterans Affairs Canada