Appendix B - Audit criteria

Objective Criteria
  1. Performance Measurement and Benefits Realisation
  1. The Department has measured and reported benefits realized to date related to digital service modernization.
  1. Progress to modernize and digitally transform services is tracked and reported on an ongoing basis.
  1. Governance and Planning
  1. Clear Departmental strategies and plans for digital service modernization are documented and approved.
  1. Governance, roles, and responsibilities for digital service modernization are clearly defined.
  1. Service modernization plans are aligned with IT capacity to support the digital transformation.
  1. Progress of in-flight Initiatives
  1. The current state and digital modernization objectives of each of VAC’s services is documented.
  1. Service modernization initiatives are prioritized, resourced, and approved.
  1. Development activities are managed, monitored, and proceeding as planned.

* The audit team confirmed that all of the above criteria were met unless otherwise stated in this audit report.