Appendix C: Veterans Affairs Canada, Departmental Results Framework, Core Responsibilities and Programs

Appendix C: Veterans Affairs Canada, Departmental Results Framework, Core Responsibilities and Programs
Core Responsibility 1. Benefits, Services and Support 2. Commemoration 3. Veterans Ombudsman
Description Support the care and well-being of Veterans and their dependents or survivors through a range of benefits, services, research, partnerships and advocacy. Pay tribute to the sacrifices and achievements of those who served in Canada’s military efforts. Provide an independent and impartial review of complaints and issues related to programs and services delivered by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio and uphold the Veterans Bill of Rights.
  1. Disability Pension Benefits and Allowances
  2. Disability Awards, Critical Injury and Death Benefits
  3. Earnings Loss Benefit
  4. Career Impact Allowance
  5. Retirement Benefits Program
  6. Health Care Benefits
  7. Rehabilitation Services
  8. Long-Term Care
  9. Veterans Independence Program
  10. Family Caregiver Relief Benefit
  11. War Veterans Allowance
  12. Canadian Forces Income Support
  1. Canada Remembers ProgramFootnote 9
  2. Funeral and Burial Program
  1. Veterans Ombudsman

Source: VAC’s 2017 Departmental Results Framework