Gender-Based Analysis Plus

Gender-Based Analysis Plus

Institutional GBA+ Capacity

Throughout the fiscal year, we continued to implement and consider all aspects of Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) to ensure that our policies, programs and initiatives are free of bias.

We hosted the first ever Women Veterans Forum to discuss specific challenges women face in their life after service. This Forum highlighted central themes including the need for more targeted programs and services, additional research, greater collaboration, enhanced outreach and an integrated approach to GBA+.

We established the Office of Women and LGBTQ2 Veterans to provide an entry point for under represented sub-groups of Veterans to bring recurring concerns and other issues to the Department’s attention, as well as contribute to the Government of Canada’s commitment to advance equality, diversity and inclusion. We worked on finalizing a departmental Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) Strategy and Framework to support the integration of GBA+ into the work of the Department in advancing equitable outcomes for all Veterans.

The Champions of Employment Equity, GBA+, and for Indigenous Peoples (combined into one role in 2020-21) each highlighted the importance of intersectionality in 2019-20 The Champions also supported the importance of learning for staff (Indigenous learning series), ensuring a more inclusive work environment by providing "Positive Spaces" training and learning opportunities to help to create an environment in which LGBTQ2 employees feel safe and comfortable. Another important aspect of the Champion for Indigenous Peoples was continuing the development of the document “Towards an Indigenous Veterans Strategy” and our plans to engage with external Indigenous and Métis organizations, and recognizing the importance of Indigenous Veterans (Indigenous Veterans Day). The Champion continued to support community engagement and recognition of Indigenous Veterans into 2020—21 through participation at the Métis National Council and the Champions and Chairs Circle for Indigenous Peoples (CCCIP) and other forums.

We continue to ensure that a GBA+ lens is undertaken with Budget Proposals, Memorandums to Cabinet, Treasury Board Submissions and Regulatory Packages.

We implemented the Building Inclusive Services Project to examine departmental practices for collecting, using and displaying information about sex and gender with a view of ensuring more inclusive services. The first round of information mapping has been completed and changes will be required to align with the government’s new policy direction on Modernizing the Government of Canada’s Sex and Gender Information Practices.

Highlights of GBA+ Results by Program

At Veterans Affairs Canada, we are working to develop meaningful data collection and data analysis tools for our individual programs to improve our capacity to measure and assess the impacts that intersectional identity factors may have on how programs and services are accessed and experienced by diverse sub-groups of the Veteran population. We have disaggregated results by identity factors like sex, age, marital status and community based on our current data collection practices as shown in the tables listed below, but we recognize the need to move to gender by default, with a third gender marker for another gender, as well as expand our data collection practices to include other relevant intersectional data collection points.


  • Currently, there is no data available for the following programs: Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Related Mental Health Conditions, Veteran and Family Well-being Fund, Research Funding, Canada Remembers Program, Funeral and Burial Program, and Veterans Ombudsman.
  • For all tables containing Estimated Veteran Population figures, those figures are not broken out by specific program and the numbers may not add due to rounding.

Disability Benefits

Disability Pension - Results for FY 2019-20

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population DP 47,175 91% 4,544 9% 536,900 85% 92,400 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 N/A - N/A - 21,900 88% 3,100 12%
30 - 49 4,289 100% 8 0% 115,800 81% 27,200 19%
50 - 69 20,300 99% 121 1% 208,900 85% 37,100 15%
70+ 22,586 99% 329 1% 190,300 88% 25,000 12%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 33,227 94% 2,268 6% N/A - N/A -
Single 6,088 82% 1,296 18% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 2,384 86% 387 14% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 5,457 90% 586 10% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 10,481 90% 1,108 10% N/A - N/A -
Urban 35,957 91% 3,355 9% N/A - N/A -

Transition Services

Career Transition Services - Results for FY 2019-20

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population CTS 942 85% 160 15% 536,900 85% 92,400 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 62 95% 3 5% 21,900 88% 3,100 12%
30 - 49 529 85% 94 15% 115,800 81% 27,200 19%
50 - 69 349 85% 63 15% 208,900 85% 37,100 15%
70+ 2 100% 0 0% 190,300 88% 25,000 12%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 328 87% 47 13% N/A - N/A -
Single 586 85% 104 15% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 28 78% 8 22% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor - - 1 10% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 160 86% 27 14% N/A - N/A -
Urban 782 85% 133 15% N/A - N/A -

Education and Training Benefit - Results for FY 2019-20

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population ETB 1,552 85% 270 15% 536,900 85% 92,400 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 93 89% 12 11% 21,900 88% 3,100 12%
30 - 49 923 85% 163 15% 115,800 81% 27,200 19%
50 - 69 537 85% 94 15% 208,900 85% 37,100 15%
70+ 1 50% 1 50% 190,300 88% 25,000 12%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 402 84% 77 16% N/A - N/A -
Single 1,124 86% 179 14% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 27 68% 13 33% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 1 50% 1 50% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 295 85% 54 15% N/A - N/A -
Urban 1,259 85% 216 15% N/A - N/A -

Rehabilitation - Results for FY 2019-20

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population Rehab 11,344 82% 2,568 18% 536,900 85% 92,400 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 468 77% 136 23% 21,900 88% 3,100 12%
30 - 49 5,702 81% 1,310 19% 115,800 81% 27,200 19%
50 - 69 5,101 82% 1,118 18% 208,900 85% 37,100 15%
70+ 73 95% 4 5% 190,300 88% 25,000 12%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 4,500 83% 893 17% N/A - N/A -
Single 6,242 81% 1,462 19% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 536 75% 177 25% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 66 65% 36 35% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 2,757 81% 642 19% N/A - N/A -
Urban 8,587 82% 1,926 18% N/A - N/A -

Long term care

Long Term Care - Results for FY 2019-20

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population LTC 1,846 84% 355 16% 536,900 85% 92,400 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 - - - - 21,900 88% 3,100 12%
30 - 49 3 100% - - 115,800 81% 27,200 19%
50 - 69 23 100% - - 208,900 85% 37,100 15%
70+ 1,820 84% 355 16% 190,300 88% 25,000 12%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 167 94% 10 6% N/A - N/A -
Single 543 79% 148 21% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 372 97% 11 3% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 762 80% 185 20% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 143 77% 43 23% N/A - N/A -
Urban 1,698 84% 312 16% N/A - N/A -

Veterans Independence Program

Veterans Independence Program (VIP) - Results for FY 2019-20

Note: The VIP tables contain a comparisons of Veteran clients to the estimated Veteran population. Survivors are excluded to allow for a direct comparison of the groups.

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population VIP 38,403 89% 4,635 11% 536,900 85% 92,400 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 66 77% 20 23% 21,900 88% 3,100 12%
30 - 49 4,297 82% 966 18% 115,800 81% 27,200 19%
50 - 69 13,827 86% 2,289 14% 208,900 85% 37,100 15%
70+ 20,213 94% 1,360 6% 190,300 88% 25,000 12%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 22,237 94% 1,537 6% N/A - N/A -
Single 6,524 81% 1,507 19% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 1,334 82% 294 18% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 3,950 85% 701 15% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 9,428 89% 1,164 11% N/A - N/A -
Urban 28,922 89% 3,458 11% N/A - N/A -

Caregiver Recognition Benefit

Caregiver Recognition Benefit - Results for FY 2019-20

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population CRB 83 11% 673 89% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 6 21% 22 79% N/A - N/A -
30 - 49 27 8% 322 92% N/A - N/A -
50 - 69 44 14% 262 86% N/A - N/A -
70+ 6 8% 67 92% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 41 8% 448 92% N/A - N/A -
Single 42 16% 220 84% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated - 0% 3 100% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor - 0% 2 100% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 25 12% 182 88% N/A - N/A -
Urban 58 11% 480 89% N/A - N/A -

*CRB is paid to caregivers, not Veterans, therefore it cannot be compared to the Veteran population.

Veterans Emergency Fund

Veterans Emergency Fund - Results for FY 2019-20

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population VEF 946 82% 207 18% 117,879 89% 15,172 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 60 5% 11 1% 1,546 1% 309 0%
30 - 49 463 40% 102 9% 25,034 19% 5,279 4%
50 - 69 301 26% 49 4% 45,670 34% 7,193 5%
70+ 122 11% 45 4% 45,629 34% 2,391 2%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 264 23% 30 3% 61,761 47% 6,270 5%
Single 616 54% 114 10% 45,868 35% 6,988 5%
Divorced / Separated 45 4% 9 1% 3,602 3% 901 1%
Widowed / Survivor 11 1% 52 5% 6,568 5% 996 1%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 185 19% 34 4% 27,019 21% 3,482 3%
Urban 658 67% 99 10% 89,410 68% 11,508 9%