Corporate information

Corporate information

Organizational Profile

Appropriate minister:
The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, PC, MP
Institutional head:
Paul Ledwell, Deputy Minister
Ministerial portfolio:
Veterans Affairs
Enabling instruments:
Department of Veterans Affairs Act
Veterans Well-being ActFootnote 19
Pension Act
Year of incorporation / commencement:

Our Raison d’être, mandate and role: who we are and what we do

“Raison d’être, mandate and role” is available on our website.

Veterans Ombud’s Mandate

The mandate for the Veterans Ombud is available on the Ombud’s website.

Operating context and risk

Information on operating context and key risks is available on our website.

Reporting framework

Our Departmental Results Framework and Program Inventory of record for 2022–23 is shown below. 

Core Responsibility: Benefits, Services and Support

Departmental Results Indicators Program Inventory
Veterans are physically and mentally well
  • % of Veterans who report that their health is very good or excellent
  • % of Veterans who report that their mental health is very good or excellent
  • % of Veterans accessing national network of Operational Stress Injury Clinics reporting improved overall mental health
  • % of Veterans who report they need help with an activity of daily living
  • Caregiver Recognition Benefit
  • Disability Benefits
  • Health Care Benefits
  • Income Support
  • Long Term Care
  • Research and Innovation
  • Transition Services
  • Veterans Emergency Fund
  • Veterans Independence Program
  • War Veterans Allowance
Veterans and their families are financially secure
  • % of Veterans whose household income is below the low income measure
  • % of Veterans who are satisfied with their financial situation
Veterans have a sense of purpose
  • % of Veterans who are satisfied with their job or main activity
  • % of Veterans who are employed
Veterans are able to adapt, manage, and cope within post-service life
  • % of Veterans who report an easy adjustment to post-service life
  • % of Veterans who have completed a post-secondary education
  • % of Veterans who have high level of mastery of their life skills
Veterans are living in safe and adequate housing
  • % of Veterans who are in core housing need
  • % of Veterans Affairs Canada clients 65 years and older living in their own homes that report satisfaction with their housing
Veterans are socially supported
  • % of Veterans who have a strong sense of community belonging
  • % of Veterans Affairs Canada clients who are satisfied with their relationships with friends and family
Veterans are satisfied with the services they receive
  • % of Veterans Affairs Canada clients who are satisfied with the quality of service delivery they receive from Veterans Affairs Canada
  • % of Veterans Affairs Canada clients who are satisfied with the quality of Veterans Affairs Canada's programs and services offered

Core Responsibility: Commemoration

Departmental Results Indicators Program Inventory
Veterans and those who died in service are honoured
  • % of Veteran clients who are satisfied with the way Veterans Affairs Canada’s commemorative initiatives honour Veterans and those who died in service
  • # of page views of the Canadian Virtual War Memorial
  • % of visitors to Vimy and Beaumont-Hamel overseas memorials who report they have a better understanding of the sacrifice and contribution of those who served
  • Canada Remembers Program
  • Funeral and Burial Program
Canadians remember and appreciate Veterans and those who died in service
  • % of Canadians who indicate they make an effort to appreciate Veterans and those who died in service
  • # of Canadians who participated in community engagement activities financially supported by Veterans Affairs Canada

Core Responsibility: Veterans Ombudsperson

Departmental Results Indicators Program Inventory
Veterans and their families have access to a timely review of complaints about the programs, services and support delivered by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio
  • % of complaints completed within 60 working days
  • Veterans Ombudsperson
Issues about the programs, services and support provided to Veterans and their families by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio are identified
  • % of Office of the Veterans Ombudsperson recommendations related to individual complaints implemented by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio
  • % of Office of the Veterans Ombudsperson recommendations related to systemic issues accepted by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio

Supporting information on the Program Inventory

Financial, human resources and performance information for our Program Inventory is available in GC InfoBase.

Supplementary information tables

The following supplementary information tables are available on our website.

  • Reporting on Green Procurement
  • Details on transfer payment programs
  • Gender-based analysis plus
  • Response to parliamentary committees and external audits

Federal tax expenditures

The tax system can be used to achieve public policy objectives through the application of special measures such as low tax rates, exemptions, deductions, deferrals and credits. The Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for these measures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures. This report also provides detailed background information on tax expenditures, including descriptions, objectives, historical information and references to related federal spending programs, as well as evaluations and GBA Plus of tax expenditures.

Organizational contact information

Veterans Affairs Canada
P.O. Box 7700
Charlottetown PE
C1A 8M9

Toll free: 1-866-522-2122
TDD/TTY: 1-833-921-0071

Veterans Ombud
P.O. Box 66
Charlottetown PE
C1A 7K2

Toll free: 1-877-330-4343
TDD/TTY: 1-833-978-1639